Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes, it's been a while...

Summer Project - Vintage bamboo chair, Yolo lo-voc paint, latex foam with organic wool batting, 100% hemp cover with OT's 'Madeira Vine' pattern in 'marigold' colorway.

So, here are a few updates:
Our fabrics have been accepted by Material Connexion to be placed in the world's largest innovative materials library accessed by Fortune 100 companies, architects, designers and more. They will be displayed in 4 locations; New York, Bangkok, Cologne and Milan and in the online database. We are really proud to be included in this great source of environmentally safe products.


  • I will be 'co-teaching' another RISD continuing ed class entitled "Eco-Materials for Interior Design". Matt Grigsby will share his expertise in Industrial Design and I will share my Textiles expertise. (go to for more details)


  • 10/04/09, 2 day event - RISD's 'Build A Better World'. It's a student organized event with some notable speakers. I will be on the 'Green Consumer Products' panel and am really looking forward to sharing our research on creating safer, healthier textiles.
  • 10/22/09 Thursday, 7pm-9pm - RISD has spnsored a symposium called 'Design, Industry + Careers in the Age of Sustainability'. There will be 3 of us - all Rhode Islanders *Matt Grigsby ( RISD alumni and CEO/Founder of a great green materials sourcing group called Ecolect based in Providence and Chicago.) *Meaghan O'Neill (Meaghan is one of the original founders), *Dawn Oliveira - (Veteran Textile Designer / Educator) Go to for further information.
Thanks for checking in..... Dawn

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